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LEAPS AND STRIDES Editorial Board holds 3- day seminar writeshop

by Charisse Gae P. Mabborang     May 29, 2022

To enhance journalistic competence amongst writers, the CVMC editorial board conducted three day seminar writeshop from April 27 to 29.


The activity includes hands on, interactive lecture, coaching and critiquing on poetry writing, copy reading, headline writing, science feature writing, photojournalism, news writing, lay-outing, editorial and column writing and editorial cartooning.


The excellent and seasoned resource speakers were Mr. Amir Aquino, Mr. Villamor Visaya and Atty. Mark Vincent Gocal.


The above experts emphasized the principles of journalism which includes truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity, impartiality, fairness and public accountability.


Beyond the success of the activity is the overall support and guidance of the two chief technical advisers- Dr. Glenn Mathew G. Baggao, Medical Center Chief II and Dr. Cherry Lou Antonio, Chief Medical Professional Staff II.

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