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The Cagayan Valley Medical Center is the referral center of the five provinces of Cagayan Valley and the nearby provinces of Apayao and Kalinga. As a referral center, it had an increasing admission from 2016 to 2018 with an average annual increase of 10%. The increasing number of admission with a fixed 300 number of beds caused a 15% annual increase in the occupancy rate. The patients have to stay in the hallway and corridors of the hospital to be accommodated.


With these data in hand, we continuously work and strategize to improve our services and be responsive to the needs of our stakeholders. We envision to become the reputable regional apex multispecialty center in Northeast Luzon. Our mission is to provide people-centered care, advanced training, and ethical research to the community we serve as our contribution to nation building. With our vision and mission we will be guided by our core values of Integrity, Compassion, Accountability, Resiliency and Excellence With this vision ,we position ourselves by 2022 to be a 500 bed tertiary hospital with regional specialty center in Heart and Lung, Trauma, Kidney, Eye, Behavioral Medicine and Geriatrics and by 2028 to be a 1000-bed regional apex center with regional specialty center in infectious Disease, Women’s health and accredited fellowship training programs in Heart and Lung, Trauma, Kidney, Eye, and Geriatrics serving the people of Region 2,, Kalinga and Apayao provinces.


We will be transformed into a highly trained specialist with multidisciplinary approach and with improved equipment and facility in the cycle of care of our patients. A focus care in Heart will decrease the mortality rate in acute coronary syndrome, coronary artery disease, hypertension and other related heart diseases. A focus care in Lung diseases will decrease mortality rate in pneumonia, COPD and other related lung diseases. A focus care in eye will decrease incidence of blindness. A focus care on mental health will decrease length of stay of patient in the hospital and will bring back patient to the mainstream of society, a focus care on our geriatric patients will improve their quality of life. A focus care on vehicular related cases will decrease mortality rate. The focus of care through our specialty centers will be handled by a highly skilled and trained specialist. The focus of care will not only be seen in the hospital but in the com-munity as well for we will be conducting advocacy prevention program. We believe that our transformation from a general medical services to a more focus health care services through our specialty centers we will bring better health outcome and be more responsive to the needs of our stakeholders.



The Cagayan Valley Medical Center is a reputable regional apex multi-specialty center in Northeast Luzon.


We provide people-centered care, advanced training, and ethical research to the community we serve as our contribution to nation building.

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